All In A Life

Throughout our lives we gather things, meet people, develope relationships and
learn from everyday life. Mostly we seem to gather things. Pictures, nic nacks and things we've made.
Our lives can sometimes seem cluttered. Kind of like
our closets. I needed a way to "do something" with some of my clutter and share with friends and family. Thus,
here I am. And again I'm learning something. I'm new to blogging but I'll figure
it out. And I'll clutter this page with more of my clutter.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Long Trip

     Wow! It's been a long time since I posted last. Long story as to why. I'll make it short. I went to visit family in Ohio back in Oct., car  broke down and I just made it home about 3 weeks ago. Car still isn't running right. Really should never have headed home with it but sometimes we must do what we must do.
     On the bright side of things, I'm now a great grandma. Got a sweet baby girl while I was on my visit. So I really can't complain. She made the trip worth while. This is my favorite picture of her and her mommy.
                                                           Isn't she the bees knees.
    Well that about does it for now. Have some things to share but that will be another time. Until then, keep cool if you're having the heat we're having here. Be safe my friends.