All In A Life

Throughout our lives we gather things, meet people, develope relationships and
learn from everyday life. Mostly we seem to gather things. Pictures, nic nacks and things we've made.
Our lives can sometimes seem cluttered. Kind of like
our closets. I needed a way to "do something" with some of my clutter and share with friends and family. Thus,
here I am. And again I'm learning something. I'm new to blogging but I'll figure
it out. And I'll clutter this page with more of my clutter.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wanted to post another card I made. My oldest granddaughter turned 21. I knew I had to make a special card for such a special birthday. So I put her baby picture on it. I think she's about 1yr old in the pic.

This is the inside.
She said she loved it and that made my day.